
Qigong for Better Health – Macro Cosmic Orbit Meditation

Here is the Macro Cosmic Orbit Meditation, which is a more meditative extension of the Golden Ball Meditation.

You may remember the Golden Ball Meditation directly influences the eight Extraordinary Meridians (or Vessels) to help regulate the flow of energy through the body and facilitates communication between the organs, supporting their proper function.

The Macro Cosmic Orbit Meditation enhances upon creating balance within all energy channels. It also builds upon the Micro-Cosmic Orbit Meditation.

The Macro Cosmic Orbit Meditation is another practice using breath, movement, and mind focus to strengthen energy flow throughout the body, mind, and spirit. You can add to your regular practice routine.

In the video above I demonstrate the movement involved in the Micro-Cosmic Orbit Meditation, then describes the expanded path of the Macro Cosmic Orbit Meditation. This expansion increases the energy field affected, and, by extension, enhances the restorative balance of Qi within all the energy channels and between all the major organs.  Leaving you feeling re-energized and renewed!

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