
Pulling Down Heavens: Qigong 101

The practice of “pulling down the heavens” is a staple of Qigong practice. I recommend doing it before and after every practice. It is a simple, sweeping movement.

  1. Starting from the Wu Ji posture, as you inhale, raise or float your arms wide to the side, palms up, gently curved.
  1. At the top of your reach, as you begin to exhale, turn your palms over and bring the arms down, palms passing in front of your abdomen.
  1. Do this three times, in a continuous sweeping motion. On the first sweep, you might picture pure white light flowing down the outside of your body; on the second sweep, imagine pure white light flowing through the inside of your body; and on the third sweep, imagine pure white light flowing both inside and outside—suffusing your entire body.

End the sequence by returning to the Wu Ji posture.

Here is a short video clip to show you how to “Pull Down Heavens”:

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