
How to Improve Immunity Before Cold Season Falls

Back-to-School, Back to YOU… Healthy!

As we wrap up the excitement of summer and shift into fall, our lives and schedules change. The leaves change color. The kids go back to school.

Autumn signifies seasonal change as well as inner change. Now is the perfect time to build our immunity as our energy levels lessen and pull inward, making us more susceptible to cold and flu.

Rather than looking to a flu shot to keep us healthy and fit, look to the fridge, your cozy bedroom and what’s on your plate. Eat well, sleep deeply, move lovingly and stay healthy this fall and always.

Eat: Add pumpkins, gourds, fennel and congee (soupy rice) to your daily diet.

Sleep: The number one tonic for building immunity is sleep. Did you know that you loose inches off your waist if you get at least eight hours of sleep a night regularly? Get your zzz!

Move: In traditional Chinese Medicine, particularly Qigong, autumn is a season associate with the vitality of our digestion. Incorporate these gentle and soothing Qigong movements into your day-to-day routine.

Massaging the Yang Organs
Spleen Healing Sound
Stomach and Spleen Balancing

By nurturing your stomach and spleen, going with the flow and slowing down as much as possible, you will find you have more vitality, more patience and a stronger immune system.

Until next time Qi you later.

— Chris Shelton

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