
5 Factors that Build Health and Wealth

Accessing Life Balance is Easier Than You Think

We all want to be healthy and happy.

Yet most people are overwhelmed and confused by conflicting information about how to be healthier, happier and lead more meaningful, joyful lives.

Parisa and I (Chris Shelton, that’s me!) believe that health is something you cultivate and maintain rather than a series of silver bullets and magic pills.

As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, let’s cultivate seeds of gratitude and plant them in the five aspects of our lives that determine health, vitality and joy.

Physical Health – The three main components of physical health are diet, exercise and sleep. If you dial-in these three aspects of your life, you will look and feel great. (You’ll also lose weight.)

Mind Well-Being – People have 50,000 to 100,000 thoughts per day! Find pockets of stillness where you can quiet the mind. The ancient practice of Qigong gently releases negative patterns and inspires kinder thoughts.

Relationship Health – In some parts of Africa, there is a concept called “abantu:” a person is only a person through their connections with other people. I am because other people are. Our relationships make us who we are. Focus on cultivating quality friendships, not just long guest lists.

Work and Career Health – Each one of us has a gift and a life purpose. Your work is the daily spiritual expression of who you are. Take time to discover your natural gifts and abilities. We live in an abundant Universe that delights in expressing itself through you.

Financial Health – Currency is a form of energy exchange. Most people are frustrated by their current financial situation, which blocks energy and distorts the potential for a joyful and meaningful life. Start being kinder to money, especially when you pay your bills (bless them), and you’ll attract more financial prosperity and abundance easily and quickly.

Over the past year, Parisa and I have studied these five aspects of health and happiness. We are thrilled and proud to announce that we are both certified Five-Element Life Coaches! We are living the results of the teachings, and would love to share the benefits with you. If you’re looking for new and improved results in your life, give us a call.

Next year promises to be a new and exciting time for people like us. We are committed to helping you achieve the goals and visions you seek. As we celebrate Thanksgiving, please know we are thankful for you; you are a cherished member of our community.

We would love to work with you so you can reach your fullest, healthiest and most joyful potential. The seeds of change are within you!

Until next time, Happy Thanksgiving! Be well and Qi you later.
-Chris and Parisa Shelton and the Shelton Qigong team

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